Get To Know: Adrianna Mitchell, MD | Broadlawns Celebrates Black History Month

Adrianna Mitchell Black History Month

This Black History Month, Broadlawns is celebrating by highlighting a few of the many amazing Black individuals who make an impact every day at our hospital.

Adrianna Mitchell, M.D.

Job Title

Second Year Psychiatry Resident.

Tell us about what you do in a typical day.

My month-to-month schedule changes and each month consists of a different sub-specialty of psychiatry that I receive training in. These subspecialties include child and adolescent, forensic, consult/liaison, geriatrics and ER psychiatry. The first half of my day consists of seeing patients with psychiatric concerns, completing psychiatric evaluations, and managing medications whether that be initiating medications for conditions such as depression, psychosis, bipolar disorder or making medication adjustments. The other half of my day consists of completing documentation on each patient and contacting patients’ families with updates or obtaining additional information that might be important for diagnosis or treatment.

How long have you worked at Broadlawns?

1.5 years.

What attracted you to a career in healthcare?

I have always been interested in human behavior, so I originally majored in psychology. After working with individuals with psychiatric conditions while in undergraduate and seeing how medications made a huge difference their lives, I decided to combine my love for psychology and medicine and become a psychiatrist. 

What do you like about working at Broadlawns?

Being able to work with the underserved and a very diverse population.

Name a Black American you admire and think people should learn more about.

Octavius Valentine Catto, an influential civil rights leader, and Barack and Michelle Obama. 

What books by Black authors do you recommend?

The Autobiography of Malcolm X.

What does it mean to be an inclusive healthcare provider?

Being inclusive means to provide equal care and treatment to all no matter religion, race, gender, financial status, sexuality etc. When those who provide healthcare represent diversity in those same categories listed above, inclusivity becomes more achievable.  

What ways do you challenge/invite others to honor Black history, this month and beyond?

I challenge others to incorporate black history into their everyday learning because black history is American History.