Get To Know: Tony Coleman, DHA | Broadlawns Celebrates Black History Month

This Black History Month, Broadlawns is celebrating by highlighting a few of the many amazing Black individuals who make an impact every day at our hospital.

Anthony B. Coleman, DHA

Job Title

President and CEO

Tell us about what you do in a typical day.

My typical day involves meeting with leaders to problem solve, meeting with community leaders to see how we might partner in achieving Health Justice and rounding on staff to meet and get to know them.

How long have you worked at Broadlawns?

7 Weeks. I started on December 6, 2021.

What attracted you to a career in healthcare?

Initially, I pursued healthcare as a way to provide a good quality of life for my family; however, a few years into my journey I discovered my passion for eliminating health disparities and ensuring health equity.

What do you like about working at Broadlawns?

The people!

Name a Black American you admire and think people should learn more about.

Martin Luther King, Jr. We all have heard of him and there is a tremendous value to understanding him on a personal level and how his moral convictions lead all of his efforts.

What books by Black authors do you recommend?

Strength to Love by Martin Luther King, Jr., Medical Apartheid by Harriet Washington, The Political Determinants of Health by Daniel Dawes, and To Be Loved, the autobiography of Berry Gordy.

What does it mean to be an inclusive healthcare provider?

An inclusive healthcare provider is one that treats all patients with the highest quality of care regardless of background or ability to pay. An inclusive healthcare provider also considers the sociological aspects that surround the patient and being aware of how those aspects cause the patient to show up to your facility. 

What ways do you challenge/invite others to honor Black history, this month and beyond?

I invite everyone to lead from their heart and seek to understand each other’s journey. Listen with the intent to learn and keep compassion in front during the entire interaction.