Financial Data FY2022
Audited Financial Statement
View the FY2023 Audited Financial Statement for Broadlawns Medical Center.
Key Statistics
Fiscal Year End - June 30, 2023
- Beds: 200
- Employees: 1,249
- ER visits: 24,351
- Clinic visits: 198,990
- Admissions: 2,844
- Outpatient visits: 275,320
- Surgeries: 6,148
- OB deliveries: 822
- Medical patient days: 9,292
Community Benefit Report
The Community Benefit Report provides an overview of the healthcare services that were administered in FY2022.
Taxpayers Association of Central Iowa Case Statement
The Taxpayers Association of Central Iowa (TACI) is a non-partisan membership-based organization that encourages efficient government use of tax-funded entities in the greater Des Moines area. As Polk County's safety net hospital, a portion of Broadlawns Medical Center's revenue is generated from the property tax levy. TACI posed some questions to discern how Broadlawns utilizes its funding that is derived from the property tax levy. A case statement about Broadlawns can be found here.